Replace My Clipboard...Never!
As I was cleaning out my briefcase the other day, I examined my clipboard which is still the original one I started with over nineteen years ago. It has been my faithful companion on thousands of inspections and has never failed me. The feel of the MDF (medium density fiberboard) and the tension of the spring clip to hold numerous case files is all I need for a successful inspection. It's been dropped countless times, been rained on, snowed on and still performs like a champ. While ordering office supplies, I have occasionally been tempted to purchase a new shiny one with all the bells and whistles but then I remember my old friend. It rests happily in my briefcase when not in use. It serves as my mobile desk, file cabinet and all around portable office. Even as I consider the use of an iPad, I suspect my clipboard will still be the foundation of my field collection tools.